

Turning the tide on falling consumption.

The Brief

The UK’s consumption of fish and shellfish is in decline. Seafish – the body who represents the country’s £10bn fishing industry – came to LUX with a clear and ambitious objective: to encourage consumers to eat two portions of fish per week, using Seafood Week as the platform for starting this conversation.

The Insight

A YouGov State of the Nation report revealed that – based on official guidelines – Brits weren’t consuming nearly enough fish. The same report also revealed that a lack of confidence about how to cook fish and shellfish was the primary barrier preventing consumers from making the leap to a fish-rich diet. Education and encouragement were going to be key.



The Big Idea

Harnessing our YouGov insights on consumer attitudes and eating habits, LUX kicked off the campaign with a hard-hitting, stats-driven national news announcement – “two thirds of Brits aren’t eating enough fish”. Balancing ‘shock’ with ‘awe’, we then underpinned the campaign with two very different partnerships. The first was with the British Heart Foundation, to stress the heart-friendly credentials of a fish and shellfish-rich diet. The second saw us gain the support of a collective of high profile, ‘rock star’ chefs the length and breadth of the country. A roadshow of the UK followed, enabling us to amass a wealth of helpful and inspirational recipes, videos and photography that would form an appetising and engaging multi-channel comms campaign.

The Results

Our Seafood Week campaign was hugely successful - redefining the scale of success for Seafish. Our hard-hitting health-focused messaging secured column inches by the yard, as did our chefs-turned-seafood rockstars; whose at-home friendly recipes were a win on social media.

pieces of UK news & lifestyle coverage

416 m
PR reach across online & print coverage

increase in web traffic to Seafish's website

for best PR campaign at the Marketing Star Awards

27 Maritime Street Edinburgh